Use "stomach|stomached|stomaching|stomachs" in a sentence

1. (6) Ruminant fore stomachs (reticulum, rumen, and omasum) are widely consumed, as is the true stomach (abomasum).

2. Appa's got five stomachs.

3. The stomachs of starving people often distend.

4. The children lay down on their stomachs.

5. The children's stomachs were distended by malnutrition.

6. A synonym for Abomasa is rennet stomachs

7. 5 The children's stomachs were distended by malnutrition.

8. Some women obsess about their thighs and stomachs.

9. Most of the Artiodactyla have four-chamber stomachs.

10. Unlike fat gain, Bloated stomachs are oftentimes temporary

11. Grown sick to our stomachs, and sick of our lives.

12. Stomach Pancreas Brain and nervous system Leukemia and aleukemia Stomach Stomach

13. The gulf toadfish is commonly found in the stomachs of larger Bonefishes

14. Cetacean remains are frequently found in the stomachs of sharks (Table I)

15. 6 Did the fashion pages show curvaceous waists and womanly stomachs?

16. Antacids neutralize stomach acid to cut down on heartburn, sour stomach, acid indigestion, and stomach upset

17. cimetidine (to treat excess stomach acid and stomach ulcers

18. Stomach in.

19. Antacids for Heartburn Antacids neutralize stomach acid to help relieve heartburn, sour stomach, acid indigestion, and stomach upset

20. Stomach/abomasum

21. Too much Cologne (especially a high fragrance concentration) can turn people’s noses and stomachs

22. 11 Readers whose stomachs are turned will not partake of any food for thought.

23. Readers whose stomachs are turned will not partake of any food for thought.

24. The gulf toadfish is commonly found in the stomachs of larger Bonefishes

25. H. pylori lives only in the slimy, acidic mucus inside our stomachs.

26. Stomach Bloating actually exacerbates a normal function of the stomach – expansion

27. They have screens instead of stomachs and their voices are nothing if not weird.

28. Now the buds are blossoming and the cricketing itch is gnawing at our stomachs.

29. If you swim on a full stomach, you will have stomach ache.

30. Synonyms for Abdomens include stomachs, bellies, tummies, guts, middles, breadbaskets, pots, midriffs, paunches and tums

31. Oh, my stomach

32. Bull ' s stomach has blown up Bull ' s stomach has blown up .

33. The alimentary canal before it gets to the stomach and the stomach acid.

34. If you have an empty stomach, your stomach produces a hormone called ghrelin.

35. The sight of the greasy stew made his stomach turn / turned his stomach.

36. My Stomach Bloats when ever I eat or drink bloating, pressure, stomach pain & all! Excessive Bloating of the stomach and abdomen

37. Synonyms for Countenances include tolerates, approves, endures, brooks, hacks, allows, stomachs, supports, bears and permits

38. This animal byproduct, produced in the stomachs of certain mammals, can accelerate and control coagulation.

39. Overwork disorders the stomach.

40. His stomach protruded slightly.

41. His stomach rumbled emptily.

42. I can't stomach seafood.

43. Her stomach hurts, okay?

44. Purpose Antacids are used to relieve acid indigestion , upset stomach, sour stomach, and heartburn

45. Seafood unsettles my stomach.

46. Tuck in your stomach.

47. " Ogden's Celebrated Stomach Bitters. "

48. Stomach cancers are usually Adenocarcinomas, beginning in the glandular cells of the stomach lining

49. The Brat diet has been recommended for treating stomach flu, diarrhea, and other stomach issues

50. This wouldn't necessarily cause that Borborygmi, but it can induce low grade stomach irritation since the stomach wall will be less protected from stomach acid

51. I got a stomach ache

52. I think it's his stomach.

53. Stomach really dropsical is dead.

54. Probably just a stomach virus.

55. What is Borborygmi? Borborygmi can be thought of as stomach growling, a gurgling stomach, loud digestion noises or simply put - noises that emanate from the stomach

56. He felt his stomach tighten.

57. The stomach may be damaged.

58. Tire tread on burst stomach.

59. I have a stomach ache.

60. In the refugee centres we saw many children whose stomachs were distended because of lack of food.

61. I have a sore stomach.

62. 4 Abomasum (last stomach chamber)

63. Get on your stomach now!

64. Stomach cancer, and it's spread.

65. I'm sick to my stomach.

66. She lay on her stomach.

67. The stomach rejects indigestible food.

68. She had her stomach stapled.

69. His stomach pinched with hunger.

70. Stomach Churning is an uncomfortable, agitated sensation caused by a variety of stomach and intestinal issues

71. While the latter is a deficiency of stomach acids, Achlorhydria is a total absence of stomach acids

72. The abomasum is like the human stomach; this is why it is known as the "true stomach".

73. Day two on the water, they were sick with worry and sick to their stomachs from the rough sea.

74. People sometimes use the Brat diet to treat diarrhea, stomach flu, and other types of stomach illness

75. There it can erode the mucous coating that protects the lining of your stomach from stomach acid.

76. , , , Atony of the stomach and intestines

77. He now could stomach liquids only.

78. My stomach gave an involuntary lurch.

79. His stomach tightened, his throat writhed.

80. Increase Appetites: Reds The color in this London townhouse , designed by Rob Southern, will also make guests' stomachs rumble